Son of Dad


This is a new blog and I appreciate your visit. The title tells you everything you need to know to get started; I am a dad and I like music as well as other things. This truly unique combination of attributes is sure to produce fascinating reading material. Please read and make comments (only positive comments please, I am very sensitive). Think about it, when it comes to music and other things, who is cooler than your dad?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Releases

Nothing to report this week. I would love to be reviewing Samantha Crain's latest, You (Understood), but unfortunately I pre-ordered the digital download directly from Apparently her store is operated by a company called TopSpin and they have yet to issue the downloads. An inquiry to customer service yielded this response:

Hey ~
I appreciate your concern! It looks like the email has been delayed, but you should receive one soon. Kind Regards

So, I am a little upset about that. The e-mail they mention would contain the download link. Do not preorder anything from an artist using TopSpin!

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